Domestic payments

Intra-bank payment and incoming payment – is executed immediately. A payment with incorrect data is repaid or confirmed at the latest within 15 minutes on the bank’s settlement day, between 8.30-18.00.

Domestic payment to another Estonian bank – a payment is transmitted at each full hour on the bank’s settlement day, between 9.00-18.00, i.e. ten times a day after each hour.
A payment must be confirmed at least 30 minutes earlier in order to be transmitted at the next full hour (must be made at the latest at 17.30 to be included in the last transmission).
An incoming payment is transferred to the beneficiary’s bank account during the settlement day until 18.15.

Domestic payments are transmitted to other banks through the Bank of Estonia’s settlement system for ordinary payments (ESTA).
In the internet bank, both the domestic bank account number (BAN) and the international bank account number (IBAN-International Bank Account Number) may be used.
For transmitting payments, we recommend using the Internet bank as the fastest, most convenient and least expensive channel.

Internet Bank




Exchange Rates

  Cash Transfer
Buy Sell Buy Sell
USD 1.3085 1.2774 1.3033 1.2826
GBP 0.8690 0.8434 0.8630 0.8494
LVL 0.7117 0.6907 0.7068 0.6956
LTL 3.5046 3.4010 3.4804 3.4252
SEK 8.7207 8.4629 8.6605 8.5231
NOK 7.6713 7.4445 7.6184 7.4974
DKK 7.5652 7.3415 7.5130 7.3937
RUB 41.0315 40.0585
CHF 1.2589 1.2340

Indexes Rates

  3 Months 6 Months
EURIBOR 0.2010 0.2950
LIBOR 0.2728 0.4174